Cross-Consensus Message Format (XCM): A Comprehensive Guide in 8 points

Cross-Consensus Message Format (XCM): A Comprehensive Guide in 8 points

Cross-Consensus Message Format (XCM) is a powerful messaging format and language used for communication between consensus systems. In this blog post, we will explore the key features, design principles, and the latest version, XCM v3. Let's dive in!

  1. XCM Overview:
  • XCM enables seamless interaction between two blockchains using a standardized messaging format.

  • It extends beyond Polkadot parachains and encompasses all consensus systems.

  • XCM focuses on defining a generic and common format for effective communication.

  1. Four Core Design Principles of XCM:
  • Asynchronous: XCM messages do not assume blocking on completion.

  • Absolute: Messages are guaranteed to be delivered accurately, in order, and in a timely manner.

  • Asymmetric: Messages follow the 'fire and forget' paradigm, with results communicated separately.

  • Agnostic: XCM works across various consensus systems, without assumptions about their nature.

  1. XCM as a Format, Not a Protocol:
  • XCM is a format for message transfer, not a direct messaging protocol.

  • Similar to REST in web development, XCM defines how messages should be performed.

  • XCM messages follow a "fire and forget" model, unless a response message is explicitly designed.

  1. XCM Tech Stack:
  • XCM can express the meaning of messages across three communication channels.

  • It facilitates communication between chains, smart contracts, pallets, bridges, and sharded enclaves.

  1. XCM v3: What's New?
  • XCM v3 is currently being approved and audited, with integration into the Polkadot codebase.

  • It introduces programmability, functional multichain decomposition, and bridging features.

  • Expectations for messages, remote locking, and asset namespacing enhance versatility.

  1. Importance of XCM v3:
  • XCM v3 improves communication between chains, making system parachains a reality.

  • By delegating core responsibilities to system parachains, the relay chain can focus on shared security.

  • Bridging, multichain decomposition, and programmability upgrades bring ecosystems together.

  1. XCM v3 Instruction & Register Overview:
  • XCM v3 introduces new instructions to enable programmability, branching, and error handling.

  • New registers accommodate specific instructions, such as Transact Status Register and Topic Register.

  1. The Anatomy of an XCMP Interaction:
  • XCMP involves routing a message from one parachain to another for asset transfers.

  • The process includes outbound and inbound message queues, collator nodes, and validators.

  • Validators verify the message transmission, and the collator processes the message in the next block.

The Cross-Consensus Message Format (XCM) revolutionizes cross-chain communication by providing a standardized messaging format for consensus systems. With the introduction of XCM v3, the possibilities for interoperability and system parachains expand further. Stay tuned for the exciting developments in XCM v3 and its potential to reshape the blockchain ecosystem.